Frequently Asked Questions
The short answer is no, it is not for everyone. Heart Sanctuary is for those who wish to experience the medicine of the master plants in a safely held container. However, we require an interview in order to join us to determine whether this is suited to each individual's needs. We employ a screening process to evaluate the physical, psychological and emotional conditions of the participants in order to identify their medical history, health conditions and contraindicated medications in order that they have a safe experience during our time together.
The journey with us is guided both within ceremony and outside of ceremony by our experienced facilitators. We offer an emphasis on integration as this is something we believe is very important in order to get the most out of the whole experience.
Some seekers may choose to go directly to the jungle and work with the medicine there. This experience of being in the jungle can be a lot more challenging, as it is often up to the individual to do the work of interpretation and integration themselves. The language barrier for those who don't speak Spanish or Shipibo is another difficulty to consider.
Even for experienced travelers, travelling to the jungle of Peru can present many other problems, particularly if the individual isn't accustomed to travelling in a Latin country: mosquitos, humidity and high temperatures.
Furthermore, for anyone who takes antidepressants, we insist they do the work necessary to come off them before coming to the retreat. The potential side effects of antidepressants with ayahuasca are not worth the risk.
Any diagnosis of schizophrenia isn't suited to this retreat. If you are under the age of 25 and ALSO have a family history of schizophrenia, it is a good idea to wait until after the age of 25 to work with Ayahuasca in order to minimize the likelihood of a future diagnosis of schizophrenia (initial diagnosis of schizophrenia is almost unheard of in people over the age of 25). We base this upon evidence that schizophrenia and Ayahuasca are not compatible.
All prices are un United States Dollars and are on a sliding scale based on your ability to pay. No questions asked, it is up to you and your ability/desire to pay what you can.
$1800-$3600 for 8 day retreats.
We strongly believe that cost should never be a factor in one's ability to better their life and grow spiritually and emotionally.
If a donation in this range is not within your reach, please let us know and we will see what we can do to make it work.
Conversely, the experience has often been described as one of the most meaningful in a person’s life, so if you have the means to support at a higher level, please do. Your generosity makes it easier for us to support someone less fortunate to journey at little or no cost.
At Heart Sanctuary we provide more than just the medicine ceremonies. For example, in our last retreat, we also had Yoga, traditional Hape ceremony, art therapy, Sound Bath, Transformational Breathwork, in addition to ceremonies around the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Kambo was also offered at our May retreat as a supplemental charge.
What we offer in addition to the medicine circles is based on practitioner availability and is subject to change from retreat to retreat.
Prices include group transportation to and from Plaza De Armas in Cusco and Villa Mágica in the Valley. Prices do not include airfare or accommodation before or after the retreat days.
Ayahuasca, the sacred vine of the Amazon jungle, is made from two plants found in the Amazon rainforest - Psychotriaviridis (Chacruna) and Banisteriopsiscaapi (Ayahuasca vine).
The combination of these two plants, brewed for several hours and ingested, leads to powerful expanded states of consciousness. This sacred medicine has served as a source of incredible healing for thousands of years.
The word 'Ayahuasca' means 'the vine of death,' as when we drink this medicine we experience the death of our old self and are born anew. Grandmother Ayahuasca shows us all things that are not in service to our higher self and supports us to transmute inner densities in order to liberate ourselves, so we can be a true expression of our divine nature.
Wachuma is a profound, heart-opening medicine from the Andean region of Peru. It is commonly known as ‘Grandfather Wachuma’ and therefore, is a great complementary medicine when working with ‘Grandmother Ayahuasca’.
Wachuma provides a portal where we can connect with the mystical world. It helps open our hearts, connect with our ancestors and with the sacred spirits of these ancient lands such as the Apus (mountain spirits) of the Sacred Valley. It is also a profound teacher in helping us pierce through the veils of illusion, so that we can discover our own inner keys to happiness.
The coca plant, Erythroxylum coca, is a plant that, like tobacco, has an altogether different meaning to the Andean peoples as it does to many Westerners. While in the western mind, coca can be associated with images of drug cartels and highly addictive white powder, this is a defamation of the coca plant.
The Sacred Coca leaf, otherwise known as 'Mama Coca' is one of the most nutrient dense plants in the world, packed full of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, D, B1, B2, Calcium in addition to protein. It has properties that are both detoxifying and energizing.
This Ancestral plant is often used whilst praying in order to connect with Father Heaven, root into Mother Earth and teach us how to listen and express ourselves from our hearts.
When in Cusco, you will likely find baskets of coca leaf in the lobby of every hotel as a measure against altitude sickness. Coca can be chewed as a cud in the mouth, or made into a tea, which you can order in any restaurant or coffee shop by ordering “un maté de coca”. The stimulating effect of coca leaf is different from that of coffee, softer and more relaxing, as opposed to jittery.
Another way to enjoy the benefits of Mama Coca is the preparation called Mambe. Mambe is made by first gently toasting the coca leaves and then powdering the leaves and a little ash with a mortar and pestle, removing the leaf veins. To use the mambe, the green powder is placed in the cheek, slowly mixing with saliva as it dissolves and is ingested. Thank you, Mama Coca!
We offer a referral program. Refer four people at any price within the sliding scale to any of our retreats, and you can reserve any open spot at any future Heart Sanctuary Retreat at no cost.
Alternatively, you can transfer your referral credit to another person for $250. It is important that each attendee pay at least some money to attend, so we ask that the $250 come from them personally.
Please reach out to Michael Tierno with any questions: michael@michaeltiernoguide.com
Kambo medicine is an ancient shamanic practice used to bring a deep process of physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual cleansing. Indigenous tribes have used the secretion of the Amazon giant green monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) from the Amazon to increase endurance, strength, and clarity, as well as to provide protection, health, and vitality.
This medicine is applied to the skin after small points of superficial burns occur. The active substances travel through the lymphatic system, returning the body to a natural state of balance. The physical purging that can take place during a session not only frees our body of what no longer serves us, it also allows us to feel deeply renewed and connected with our body and with the forces of nature.
When we speak of tobacco in the context of medicine work, we are discussing a subject altogether different from anything related to multinational brands of chemically treated cigarettes. When we speak of tobacco in the context of medicine work, we are speaking of grandfather tobacco, Taita Sairi, the most esteemed plant in the constellation of sacred plants of the Amazon. The Scientific name for this sacred plant is Tobacco Rustica and the common name is Mapacho.
Mapacho Tobacco can be used in many ways in the Andean tradition. It is used as incense, to cleanse negative energy, similar to how sage is used in North American indigenous traditions. A strong tea made from Mapacho is used as a purgative, as a means of healing from intestinal parasites or the tea can be insufflated to clear and cleanse the nasal passages. Mapacho smoke is also very often an important part of ceremonies, used to cleanse and ground participants.
Rapé (pronounced raPAY) is a general term for shamanic tobacco snuff that is blown into the nasal passage (Important: Rapé is NOT snorted!). The base of Rapé is typically Amazonian tobacco, also called Mapacho or Nicotiana Rustica which is ground along with other sacred plants and ash. Rapé has been used by indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin since pre-Columbian times.
This medicine is taken in a ritual manner so that one can fully connect with the spiritual, meditative and healing properties of Rapé. It can be self administered using a Kuripi, or the Rapé can be served by another person with a Tipi. Depending on the variety, Rapé’s immediate effects are wildly diverse, all dependent on what other herbs are in the mix. Rapé blends can range from mild and calming to intense and uplifting.
Rapé brings us to our courage. In the half-second between nodding one’s head to indicate a state of readiness and the instance the server blows, exists a moment where you confront your fear- Rapé can be quite intense depending on the variety and serves as an opportunity to practice surrender.
As the medicine hits, your consciousness rushes to the present moment- I. AM. HERE. NOW. After the initial shock of the soplada passes, you are left with a deep connection between yourself and the powerful medicine that is Rapé.
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions: In order to maximize the benefit and minimise any potential safety issues, we require participants meet the following criteria in order to participate in Heart Sanctuary.
If you suffer from tachycardia, heart murmur, use a pacemaker, have uncontrolled hypertension or other heart ailment, you cannot take ayahuasca without a note from your physician certifying that it is safe for you to participate.
You can not participate having ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia
You can not participate if you are under the age of 18 and have a family history of schizophrenia
You can not be taking SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), examples such as Prozac, Paxil, or Wellbutrin while on retreat. If you are taking any SSRI medications, for any reason, you must work with your physician to ween off them completely for at least 14 days prior to ceremony. The MAOI component in ayahuasca can impact the action of these drugs, leading to a potentially lethal condition called serotonin syndrome.
Oftentimes, challenging experiences in medicine work arise because we become aware of aspects of self we were not aware of before. Towards that end, we encourage you to begin exploring your being with a few helpful practices.
Meditation: If you currently don't have a meditation practice, now is the time to start. We highly recommend the WakingUp app by Sam Harris. His guided meditations are great for teaching meditation - there is a lot more to it than just sitting quietly with a timer. The skill of watching your thoughts appear and disappear, as well as move attention to your breath, are two skills that are invaluable for working with medicine. Here is a link for a 7 day free trial. “https://www.wakingup.com/“ NOTE: If cost is an issue after the trial, you can simply email them to let them know, and they will give you free access to the app, no questions asked.
Movement practice: You have one body to move you around this planet. A daily practice of moving your body is not only essential for mental and physical health, it connects the body to mind and spirit.
So, with regards to movement, for our purposes here, whatever your practice, it needs to be a conscious and deliberate one. Yoga is an excellent example of a movement practice that is conscious and deliberate.
Voice Practice: Toning sounds to release, to express and to connect with your emotional world. Toning can be explored to not only release, but also to empower, as when we connect with the power of our voice and express this from our heart, there are no limitations. Try connecting with your voice every morning by inhaling and exhaling with an Om 10-20 times each morning. Pay attention to the connection between your throat and the sound that comes from it. Over time, you will notice the connection get stronger and clearer.
Journaling: As with the other preparation suggestions, journaling your thoughts is a powerful method to induce mindfulness and bring awareness to those inner workings that influence you in the world. Take some time each day to write down your thoughts. What do you notice? What are the first things that come to mind? Focus on your feelings. Let your mind wander as you write, and don’t worry so much about grammar and style-- let it flow. You may be surprised with what comes up.
Follow these guidelines below for 10 days before and 10 days after the retreat.
Avoid: Processed foods, including white bread and pasta.
Grapefruit and other citrus fruits
Grease and refined oils
Red Meats
Spicy Foods
Sex and Masturbation
Drugs (pills for head pain, etc…)
Products that are non-natural, e.g. Chemicals in toothpaste, deodorant, soap, perfume
Whole grain bread and other processed carbohydrates
Fruit oils such as avocado, olive, and coconut
Consumption of news and movies with strong content.
Time on the computer and cellphone.
Looking for recipe ideas? Here are some delicious recipes that works best in preparation for working with Ayahuasca:
½-cup of blueberries
1-handful of arugula
1-handful spinach
1-table spoon of spirulina (optional)
200 ml of homemade almond milk
-put all the ingredientes in the blender and beat until smooth.
2- bananas
½-cup of blueberries or strawberries or mango
3-tablespoons of chia seeds
300 ml of homemade almond or coconut milk
1-peel the bananas and but them in the juicer, add the fruits, the chia seeds and the milk
2-blend until its all smooth and pour in small jars, if they can be covered even better
3-store in the refrigerator for eight hours or overnight to achieve a pudding consistency.
1kg of yucca
2-tablespoons of chia seeds
1-Wash, peal and cut in pieces the yucca and put ir to boil until it is soft
2-drain the yucca and mash it with a fork and puree
3-Add the chia seeds and mix well so that it compacts more
4-Make balls and crush them in a hot pan to make the buns, turn them over so that they brown on both sides
3-fruits mango, strawberries and blueberries
Grind the bananas with a fork and mix with the eggs until a homogeneous mixture is left and put in the pan (important that it is one of those that do not stick), turn it over and top with mango, strawberry and blueberries
1-Large beet root
1-Large sweet potato
1-Large potato
1-Peel the roots and cut them into thin slices/slices on the sides so that they are as long and large as possible.
2-put on a baking tray, better with non stick paper to avoid sticking, and bake until golden/crisp, turn it over until it is cooked.
1 cup of quinoa
2 cup of water
1 or 2 eggs
A handful of basil, rosemary and oregano
½ avocado
1-Put the Quinoa in the pot add the boiling water, put the herbs, and wait for the water to evaporate. Let it cool
2-Add the eggs and stir until a homogeneous mixture is left
3- Heat a pan and put the mixture, leave a few moments and turn
4- Cut the tortilla, you can serve with the yuca buns and with avocado.
1-cauliflower head
1-cup of chia seeds
4-large carrots
1-handful of arugula
1-wash and chop the cauliflower and put in a food processor
2-pour into a bowl and mix with ½ cup of chia seeds
3-in a pan cook the mixture so that it softens with a finger of water
4-peel and cut the carrot into pieces and boil for 10 minutes
5-preheat the oven to 250 degrees
6-wash and slice ½ eggplant
7-when the cauliflower and chia mixture is soft and there is no water left (it has evaporated), pour it back into a bowl and add the other ½ chia seeds. mix well
8-In a baking tray, cover it and put the dough on top and crush it until it is a fine base. Give it the shape you want. Put it in the oven to cook for 20 minutes or until you start to see that it is crisp.
9-Drain the boiled carrots and pour them into the blender, blend them until they are pureed
10-When the pizza dough / base is almost done, take it out of the oven and put a layer of carrot puree on top of it and the eggplant slices. Put it back in the oven for 10 more minutes or until the aubergine is cooked
11-Cut the avocado into slices. Take the pizza out of the oven and garnish with the avocado and arugula.
1/2kg- of yucca/cassava
1-handful of chard and kale
2-tablespoons oregano
1-peel the carrot, the beet and the yucca. Cut them into pieces and bring to a boil.
2-wash the chard and kale and cut them small
3-add the chard and kale 15 minutes after the roots have come to a boil
4-boil for 15-20 more minutes
5- add the oregano
1-beet roots
100 gr of trout
Mixed lettuce (a handful)
1-Wash, peel and cut the beetroots into thin slices and arrange them on a baking tray. Bake until crisp on both sides.
2-When the beetroot chips are done, assemble the sandwich. We put a chip as a base, a little mashed avocado, a piece of trout (cooked in the oven or steamed) and piece of lettuce and another beetroot chip on top
6-sheets of rice paper
5-medium carrots
50 gr-mushrooms
70 gr-chard
100 gr-of green beans
1-level tablespoon turmeric powder
1-tablespoon grated coconut
1-handful of basil
1-Wash, peel and boil the carrots
2-Wash and slice the eggplant and cook in a large pan with a finger of water.
3-chop the mushrooms and add them to the pan over low heat.
4-wash and cut the chard into strips and add them to the pan.
5-Wash and cut the tips of the green beans, cut them into pieces and add to the pan.
6-add the grated coconut and turmeric to the pan and mix well. Add another finger of water if necessary. And let it cook until everything is soft and all the water evaporates.
7-pour the carrots with the basil in the juicer or food processor and make a puree. This will be the sauce for the wraps.
8-Boil water to moisten and soften the rice paper in a bowl or deep plate.
Arrange the wet paper on a smooth surface and put a tablespoon of the vegetable mixture in the center, and roll into bags. Repeat until all 6 are assembled.
9- Present them on a tray and put the carrot puree on top and you can decorate with sesame seeds.
-3 carrot.
-A handful of rosemary.
-1 or 2 eggs
-A little coriander
1- Peel and grate the carrots.
2-mix with the rosemary and the egg until it is a homogeneous mixture.
3 -heat the pan and add the mixture (approx. 3 minutes per side).
4-take out and sprinkle the cilantro on top.
We offer a bespoke retreat service whereby we limit our invited guest numbers to twelve. This setting allows a more intimate experience coupled with the opportunity for the shamans and facilitators to provide more personalized guidance and assistance to our attendees.
Safety is a priority for us and that is why we integrated security measures and protocols that ensure that all our guests receive adequate preparation before the ceremony and quality accompaniment during and after the retreat. We want your experience at Heart Sanctuary to be comfortable, profound, and transformative.
To meet our objective, we implement the following measures:
We developed our Screening Process to evaluate the physical, psychological and emotional conditions of the participants, identifying the medical history, health conditions and contraindicated medications. We also conduct a personal interview with each potential guest, to make sure we share all the relevant information regarding the experience, the ceremonies, the sacred plants we use and the terms and conditions for participating.
Our team of facilitators has extensive knowledge and experience with the use and integration of the sacred master plants, as well as with the various practices that we incorporate. Our heart-centered approach and loving and respectful accompaniment ensure a transformative experience in a safe space where vulnerability is appreciated and differences are respected and honored.
During the ceremony, we will have one assistant for every 4 participants to ensure that each person can receive help and support when necessary. After each ceremony, we will make individual integrations with the guide and facilitator of the medicine, prioritizing personalized attention.
Each retreat houses a maximum of 12 participants. In this way we make sure to provide an intimate and personalized experience.
The food and supplies come from organic sources and local producers whenever possible. The water is filtered and purified and the products used in cleaning are biodegradable and natural.
In the very unlikely event of an emergency, medical facilities are 15 minutes away from our facility.
The Sacred Valley is located at more than 3,000 meters above sea level, an altitude that can be challenging for many people. At this altitude, symptoms such as headache, dizziness or high blood pressure may occur. In order to combat these symptoms, our personal recommendation is to take a day or two to acclimatize to the altitude and temperature of the place. A good rest, constant hydration and light food will be good allies to acclimatize.
The coca leaf is another wonderful alternative to alleviate altitude sickness and connect with one of the oldest and most respected master plant spirits in the Andean world. The coca leaf is known for its protein content and its properties for detoxifying and energizing.
Pen and Journal
Waterproof Jacket and hat
Warm and comfortable clothes
Extra clothing – as the seasons change please note the temperatures and weather conditions can fluctuate dramatically,
be prepared for every kind of weather.
Water Bottle
Swim Suit
Mineral Sun block
Sunglasses/ reading/ prescription/ spare pair
Comfortable shoes or hiking boots for walking and shower shoes/ flip flops
Camera/Mobile device, battery pack, USB charger and power adaptor (if required)
Flash light/head light – having a ‘red’ light function is required for use in ceremony
Natural, biodegradable toiletries
PLEASE DO NOT BRING: food items, disposable plastic bottles and packaging, knives or weapons of any kind, batteries (please use rechargeable devices), drugs or alcohol.
It is important to recognize that possibly the most important part of each participant's journey towards transformation is when they depart from Heart Sanctuary and return to their homes, families and careers. We at Heart Sanctuary Retreat are very much aware of the importance of the integration component that must take place after undertaking such a transformative experience.
In the days, weeks and months after retreat, you are likely to experience high states of bliss, joy, love, self-awareness, clarity, and mental stillness. Old clogged emotions, detrimental thought patterns, negative memories, time spent identifying as a victim or needing to point blame decrease and you begin to open into a being of peacefulness, calm, understanding, empathy, and laughter.
This will fade over time if you simply return to your regular life without implementing and tuning your being towards the lessons and information that was felt and understood during your time at Heart Sanctuary. This is why integration is so important to the retreat experience.
It is critical to assemble and commit to practices that will keep you in touch with your divinity when you are no longer in the presence of shamans and ceremonies. The idea is to fully ground this new way of being into your daily life.
Integration - Ongoing Support, Family and Community
Throughout the retreat, but especially on the final day of rest, we will work together as a group to come up with activities and practices for each participant to integrate their work into their daily life.
Furthermore, approximately 1month post-retreat, we will arrange for a group follow-up integration call with the facilitators to see how things are progressing.
Additional integration calls are also available with our team of experienced facilitators, if so desired.
We provide a private online community for all guests of our Ayahuasca retreats. This is a place for you to share your journey, connect with other like-minded people and surround yourself with people who support you and understand the journey you have taken.
One of the hardest things about embarking on any transformation journey of healing and awakening is a sense of aloneness when returning back to your community. For this reason, we provide private integration coaching and the online community for you to connect with others who truly understand what you have experienced. For many guests, the people they meet during their retreat are often some of the most valuable connections they make throughout their life.
The following are five ways in which drinking the Ayahuasca brew, with intention and with the support of trained facilitators can improve your life:
Improved Self-Awareness: Ayahuasca can help a person gain a better understanding of themselves and their place in the world by providing deep psychological insight and recognition of one’s connection with others and with the earth and making it difficult to avoid the realities of one’s life. It can open up perceptions, increase self-awareness, and let one see and understand their thought process with a high degree of acuity.
Improved Emotional Well-Being: Ayahuasca can help a person work through emotional issues and improve their overall emotional well-being by eliminating depressive, anxious, and addictive symptoms. Ayahuasca has been shown to increase both creativity and empathy, and improve the control of mood and emotions. Ayahuasca may also reduce stress and depression and contribute to neurogenesis, which refers to the production of new neurons and new connections among existing neurons. Ayahuasca ceremonies treat the whole person - their body, suppressed emotions, mind, and spirit. Using this shamanic brew can produce deep relaxation and can help in getting rid of pent-up grief, anger, stress, and other dispirit emotions.
Improved Physical Health: Ayahuasca has been used as medicine in indigenous South American cultures for thousands of years to treat a variety of physical ailments. As many ailments are rooted in the mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of one’s being, healing these parts of one’s being can mediate the healing of the physical body.
Improved Spiritual Connection: Ayahuasca can help a person connect with their spirituality and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them by expanding and deepening their understanding of known experiences along with their consciousness capacity. Ayahuasca can help people understand their relationship with their environment and how their mental, emotional, and physical health are interconnected, thus opening one to the experience of oneness that is at the foundation of spirituality. This understanding can lead to improved behaviors which allow individuals to make positive changes in their lives while also increasing awareness of all aspects of existence.
Improved Creativity: Ayahuasca has been found to stimulate neurogenesis and enhance creative thinking while decreasing conventional convergent thinking. Small studies show enhancements to creative thinking and psychological flexibility for people who take ayahuasca, which could also increase its therapeutic potential. Ayahuasca has been shown to improve cognitive processes- like flexible thinking, empathy, metacognitive awareness, and well-being- that are generally compromised in stress-related psychopathologies.
Due to the COVID 19 conditions for entry in to Peru can change frequently. Use the following links to learn more about any challenges to entry: